There's a 'latte' going on at the Elliott Elementary Library


Allison Brown
Nov 22, 2024
Hot cocoa and books
Red mug with hot cocoa and candy cane


Information Center Hours

Open Checkouts for Parents & Students

M-F 8:00-8:15 (school days only)



Changes Are Coming to Our Elliott Library!

Over the holiday break in December, we will be switching over to a new library operating system which requires us to stop all checkouts/check-ins by December 12th for the migration of our systems. We should be ready to start with our new operating system when students arrive in January 2025. What does this mean for you:

· No checkouts after Dec. 12th

· Student checkout limits are increased so that more books are available during the break. (see below)

· Students can keep books over the break, no need to turn them in until they are finished.

· All books will be due on Jan. 6th.


Reading Challenge

Our November Reading Challenge (READers Are Leaders) is wrapping up with papers due back on December 2nd. The December Reading Challenge will be going out the first week of December. Congratulations to the 47 students who completed the October Challenge – they read 528 books in October- keep up the good work!

Participation is voluntary but everyone who completes the challenge (choice board) will get recognition & a treat. Books used for the Reading Challenge can be books checked out from any library or ebooks from Destiny Discover or MackinVIA accessed through your child’s Class Link account. (To access the these, you will need your child’s school email address & password given by the school. If you need any help with our ebook process, please contact me.) More details are on the Reading Challenge papers that were sent home with your student. If your child needs additional recording papers for extra books, please let me know.


December Check Out Limits – UPDATED!

Due to the Thanksgiving and Winter Break holidays, we are increasing the checkout limits for students who don’t have overdue books. This will remain our limit for the remainder of the school year.

Pre-K - 2 books

Kindergarten - 3 books

1st & 2nd grades - 5 books

Parents - 10 books

* Students with overdue books may have a lower book limit until those books are returned or a replacement plan has been made.


Book Care

Please continue to encourage your child to use clean hands to handle their library books and try to keep the books away from food and water. Please remind your students to leave barcode/spine labels as they are on books and not to add their personal stickers on library books. TIA!


Overdue Books

Student books are checked out for 2 weeks and can be renewed if needed. Overdue notices get emailed out to parents each Sunday so if you receive this email, please look around your home for the materials and return them at your earliest convenience. If you believe that a book is lost, please contact me so that we can discuss our replacement process.


Volunteers Needed!

If you have time to volunteer anytime during the week, please email or stop by after school to get more information. We would love to have your help!


In December we are celebrating books about Winter Holidays, Christmas & Christmas Traditions Around the World. December is also ‘Learn a Foreign Language’ month so we will also highlight our books that are bi-lingual or in other languages!


Allison Brown,

Information Specialist 

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