Chain of Command

Official photo for Susan Morris, the interim principal at Elliott ES

Susan Morris

345 Elliott Drive
Beaufort, SC 29906
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance (843) 466-7330
Allison Brown Media Center (843) 466-7330
Amanda Cadd Registrar :Interim Registrar for Elliott ES. Registrar for Bolden E/MS 843-466-7059
Ashley Gardner Educational Technologist Webmaster 843-466-7330
Jackie Griffing School Counselor 843-466-7330
Lori Morgan Secretary 843-466-7330
Charlotte Morgan School Meals Program Cafeteria Manager 843-466-7335
Kim Poovey School Psychologist 843-466-7330
Suzette Torres School Nurse 843-466-7333
Transportation Transportation 912-304-7103

School Hours

Grade Monday-Friday
PK-2 8:15am - 3:00pm
PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:45am
PSCD PM 12:30pm - 3:00pm

Early Dismissal 2nd Tuesday of the month

PK-2 8:15am - 2:15pm
PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:30am
PSCD PM 12:00pm - 2:15pm
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