Contact Us
Name | Position | Phone |
Attendance | Attendance | (843) 466-7330 |
Allison Brown | Media Center | (843) 466-7330 |
Amanda Cadd | Registrar :Interim Registrar for Elliott ES. Registrar for Bolden E/MS | 843-466-7059 |
Ashley Gardner | Educational Technologist Webmaster | 843-466-7330 |
Jackie Griffing | School Counselor | 843-466-7330 |
Lori Morgan | Secretary | 843-466-7330 |
Charlotte Morgan | School Meals Program Cafeteria Manager | 843-466-7335 |
Kim Poovey | School Psychologist | 843-466-7330 |
Suzette Torres | School Nurse | 843-466-7333 |
Transportation | Transportation | 912-304-7103 |
Grade | Monday-Friday |
PK-2 | 8:15am - 3:00pm |
PSCD AM | 8:15am - 10:45am |
PSCD PM | 12:30pm - 3:00pm |
Early Dismissal 2nd Tuesday of the month
PK-2 | 8:15am - 2:15pm |
PSCD AM | 8:15am - 10:30am |
PSCD PM | 12:00pm - 2:15pm |
Arrival Procedures
- Students should not arrive before 7:50 A.M. and should go to the designated line up area unless they are eating breakfast in the cafeteria.
- Students eating breakfast should not arrive before 7:50 A.M. Breakfast is served 7:50 to 8:10. Students should go directly to the cafeteria.
- Classes begin promptly at 8:15 A.M.
Release of Students Policy
- If you need to make a change in your child's dismissal plan, please complete the form provided and send it in with your child in his/her "Daily Folder."
- If there is an emergency change during the school day, please email us a detailed note to the child's teacher and to our front office at attendance.elliott@dodea.eduÂ
- If there are any problems please give the front office a call
Car Rider Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
- All PreK-2 Students who are transported by car must be dropped off and picked up in the car rider line.
- Please do not park in the side lot near the cafeteria for drop off and pick up.
- Please display the large name card with your child's name on the passenger side window at pick up. Writing the name in large letters with a dark marker helps to make pick-up run more smoothly.Â
- To ensure the safety of your child, Freedom Sound and the service delivery area are not a drop-off or pick-up area for car riders.
- Children must exit and enter their cars on the curbside during drop off and pick up.
Walkers and Bike Riders
Walkers and bike riders will enter and exit the building through D and E hallways. We follow Depot Order 1710.31A policy regarding age requirements for walkers.Â
Bikes and scooter riders must wear DOT, ANSI, or Snell approved helmets per base policy.
Bikes and scooters should not be ridden on school grounds; students should walk their scooter or bike until off school grounds to ensure the safety of all students.
If younger students accompany parents to pickup, they should remain in close proximity to their guardian so as to ensure that they remain safe near moving vehicles.
Bus Riders
Busses will drop off and pick up in the designated bus lane. Bus students will enter the building through Hall A.
Rainy Day and Hazardous Weather Protocol
- Rainy Day Dismissal- This is a dismissal that due to rain, or poor conditions, all walkers, bikers, and car riders will be picked up by parents in front of the school.
- Hazardous Weather Dismissal- These are days that are unsafe for students to stand outside. There could be nearby lightning, tornado warning, heavy rainfall, heavy winds, etc. All walkers, bikers, and car riders will remain in the building to be picked up by parents. Students will be called to the car rider line as parents arrive. Please display the large name card with your child's name on the passenger side window. Load/unload of students will be on the passenger side of the vehicle.