Elliott Express

April 1, 2024

New email for attendance, arrival, and dismissal changes

Please email attendance.elliott@dodea.edu with any communication regarding your child's attendance or changes in arrival or dismissal. This will help to ensure that the front office receives and can respond to your message in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation. 

The Laurel Bay Community 24-25 Academic calendar has been posted!

Mark Your Calendar

  • April 15-19: Spring Break (No School)
  • April 24: Purple Up Day (wear purple)
  • April 25: Accreditation visit
  • April 26: Family Picnic
    • Pre K/K 11:00-11:30
    • 1st/2nd 12:00-12:30
  • April 29-May 3: Book Fair
  • May 1: Progress Reports Issued
  • May 2: Family Game Night 3:30-5:00
  • May 6: Accelerated withdrawal

You're Invited: Accreditation Visit

Fisted hands making a circle

Parents we are proud to provide an opportunity to talk with our accreditation team on Thursday April 25th at 2:30-3:00 in the Elliott Elementary Cafeteria.  We welcome all parents to be part of this process and to share their thoughts with the accreditation team.

Mindful Minute: Moving

At this time of year, we are thinking about Spring. It is a time for new growth, a fresh start, and spring flowers. However, for some of us, this time of year brings other changes. This is also the time of year for PCSing, packing, and looking at your next home. This is a big transition for a family, but there are some things you can do to make that transition easier. 

  • Help your child say goodbye. Get them a throwaway camera and bring it to school on the last day. They can take pictures of their teacher and classmates and form a scrapbook of their friends from Laurel Bay. Or, bring a small journal for signatures.
  • Have a playdate before you leave. This will give your child time to say goodbye and collect contact information from their friends.
  • When you get to your new home, try to keep your routine as familiar as possible.
  • Help your child keep positive thoughts running through their head about the changes. For example, "I know I will make new friends" or "I will love my teacher."
  • Attend open house or Meet the Teacher before school starts. Sometimes it is the fear of the unknown that causes the most anxiety. Visiting ahead of time helps out. 

If you are moving and feel that your child needs to talk about it, let the school counselor, Ms. Griffing, know. She would be happy to speak to them about the upcoming changes.


For those families who are staying, the idea of changing classes, grade levels, or even school can produce stress as well. Be sure to keep a positive attitude with your child wile talking about a new school year. Remind them that just as there are lots of changes, there are things that stay the same as well such as school expectations and rules. Another way to deal with worries is to attend our Meet the Teacher event before school starts next year.

White moving truck in front of house

Tech Corner: Classlink

In the last issue we explored the first of the ISTE Student Technology standards, Empowered Learner. The second ISTE Student Technology standard focuses on helping students to develop as digital citizens. With guidance, students should begin to recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in a digital world. They should learn to act and model technology usage in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical. ISTE recommends that students learn how to cultivate their digital footprint and become aware of the permanence of their actions within a digital world, that they practice engaging in positive, safe, legal, and ethical ways when using technology, that they learn about and respect intellectual property and know how to responsibly re-use and repurpose materials that they find, and that they learn the importance of digital privacy and security. 

If you would like to learn more, visit https://iste.org/standards/students or contact our School's ET, Ashley Gardner at ashley.gardner@dodea.edu. 

Happy family using a computer together

Ask the Egret

Elliott Elementary Egret mascot

At Elliott we love receiving feedback and questions from all of our stakeholders. Sharing information and making improvements based on this feedback helps us all to grow and to give our students the very best here at Elliott Elementary. If you have a question or would like to offer feedback on something we are doing (or not doing) please email AskTheEgret_user@dodea.edu  We look forward to hearing from you!

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School Hours

Grade Monday-Friday
PK-2 8:15am - 3:00pm
PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:45am
PSCD PM 12:30pm - 3:00pm

Early Dismissal 2nd Tuesday of the month

PK-2 8:15am - 2:15pm
PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:30am
PSCD PM 12:00pm - 2:15pm
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