Elliott Express

April 1, 2024

New email for attendance, arrival, and dismissal changes

Please email attendance.elliott@dodea.edu with any communication regarding your child's attendance or changes in arrival or dismissal. This will help to ensure that the front office receives and can respond to your message in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Mark Your Calendar


  • April 15-19: Spring Break (No School)

  • April 24: Purple Up Day (wear purple)

  • April 25: Accreditation visit

  • April 26: Family Picnic

    • Pre K/K 11:00-11:30

    • 1st/2nd 12:00-12:30

  • April 29-May 3: Book Fair

  • May 1: Progress Reports Issued

  • May 2: Family Game Night 3:30-5:00

  • May 6: Accelerated withdrawal


Communication and Engagement Questionnaire

Help us grow!


Excellent communication is important to Elliott Elementary and the Southeast District. That is why we formally solicit feedback from you twice a year through our Communication and Engagement Questionnaire. This feedback let's us know how we are doing and what we can do better so that we can continue to grow!

Click Here!

You're Invited: Accreditation Visit

Fisted hands making a circle

Parents, we are proud to provide an opportunity to talk with our accreditation team on Thursday April 25th at 2:30-3:00 in the Elliott Elementary Cafeteria.  We welcome all parents to be part of this process and to share their thoughts with the accreditation team.

A Week of STEM-tastic Fun!

The halls of Elliott Elementary were buzzing with more excitement than usual from April 1-5 as our Egrets embarked on an epic journey into the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) with a nursery rhyme twist!

This year's STEM activities took inspiration from beloved nursery rhymes, sparking the imaginations of our young learners and challenging them to tackle a variety of whimsical challenges. Students jumped into everything from helping the aging cow defy gravity and leap over the moon, to assisting the old woman who lived in a shoe with her bustling brood, devising a clever plan to keep Humpty Dumpty safe and sound during his infamous fall, and more!

Throughout the week, each class immersed themselves in hands-on activities that focused on the STEM principals and the Engineering Design Process. From engineering sturdier walls for Humpty Dumpty to unraveling the mysteries of the water cycle alongside the persevering itsy bitsy spider, to turning favorite nursery rhymes into comics in Minecraft, our students embraced each challenge with determination and enthusiasm. 

On Friday, students showcased their ingenious projects to proud parents and fellow students. The school came alive with the hum of activity as families gathered to marvel at the ingenuity on display. 

Later in the day students had the opportunity to come face to face (and hand to scale) with an alligator, a corn snake, and a turtle! Our students were captivated as they learned about the incredible creatures that share our world, both on land and in the water. Our Egrets also had the opportunity to interact with EOD robots and their skilled handlers, gaining insight into the fascinating world of robotics and technology. And, our students were enthralled as they watched demonstrations featuring military working dogs, learning firsthand about the important role these loyal companions play in keeping us safe and protected.

As the week drew to a close, the halls of Elliott Elementary echoed with laughter, excitement, and the joy of discovery. Our STEM celebration had not only sparked curiosity and creativity but had also forged unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Here's to another successful year of innovation, exploration, and endless possibilities!





Early Birds in the Garden

Students pose making hearts with hands behind a homemade sign that says kind
Students watering flowers
Students watering flowers


Coach Hurd would like to report that our LEGENDARY EARLY BIRD WELLNESS WARRIORS (aka her busy bees) have DEFINITELY made a POSITIVE IMPACT on their school! They have absolutely proven that TEAMWORK does make the DREAMWORK and that connecting with nature is definitely a superpower that allows us to be the owners of our own HEALTH and HAPPINESS! 🙂 For these Egrets, creating the GARDEN of POSITIVITY allows us to be curious, committed and caring!  🙂  

The early birds have not only been using their muscles and working together to haul soil and compost, they've also been starting their flowers, fruits and veggies from seeds in the science lab and nurturing them with pep talks and water so they grow big and strong!

The BEE KIND pledge poster was another project this dedicated bunch of Early Birds helped design! Prior to the Autism Walk all of our Egrets got a chance to sign on to the pledge so it could be proudly displayed as we march on in support of everyone!

Because the POWER of POSITIVITY is SO STRONG, Coach Hurd's 1st & 2nd Graders are also in the process of creating their own MESSAGES of MOTIVATION!!!

Next time you're on campus, be on the lookout for our latest and greatest WELLNESS WALL OF FAME photo gallery or get a SNEAK PEAK of some of the magic here! 😉





See more photos here!

Tech Corner

Tech Corner

Knowledge Constructor

young girl and boy research space on the computer


The third ISTE technology standard for students is "Knowledge Constructor." This standard states that students should learn how to use technology to curate resources in order to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and to create meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. To be empowered as independent knowledge constructors, students learn to plan and use research strategies to find information, to evaluate the accuracy and credibility of information, to create collections of information and artifacts to demonstrate meaningful connections and conclusion, and to build their knowledge by exploring real-world issues and problems.

Something you can do at home, is to talk about the media that you consume as a family. Discuss which media outlets you turn to for reliable information and consider the bias that your sources may have and how that impacts how they present information. Have open communication about the outlets that you enjoy for their content, but which you don't necessarily trust to provide whole and accurate information. When following lines of inquiry, help your child to know how and why you select certain sources and how you know whether the information they provide is trustworthy. 

If you would like to learn more, visit https://iste.org/standards/students or contact our School's ET, Ashley Gardner at ashley.gardner@dodea.edu. 


Ask the Egret

Elliott Elementary Egret mascot

At Elliott we love receiving feedback and questions from all of our stakeholders. Sharing information and making improvements based on this feedback helps us all to grow and to give our students the very best here at Elliott Elementary. If you have a question or would like to offer feedback on something we are doing (or not doing) please email AskTheEgret_user@dodea.edu  We look forward to hearing from you!

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    PK-2 8:15am - 3:00pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:45am
    PSCD PM 12:30pm - 3:00pm

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    PK-2 8:15am - 2:15pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:30am
    PSCD PM 12:00pm - 2:15pm
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