Elliott Express

May 17, 2024

New email for attendance, arrival, and dismissal changes

Please email attendance.elliott@dodea.edu with any communication regarding your child's attendance or changes in arrival or dismissal. This will help to ensure that the front office receives and can respond to your message in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Mark Your Calendar


  • June 3- Last Day for Pre K

  • June 4- Last Day K-2

  • July 4- Happy Independence Day!

  • August 5- First Day of School K-2

  • August 13- Early Release Day

  • August 19- First Day of School Pre K

  • September 2- Labor Day- No School


Communication and Engagement Questionnaire

Be sure to follow our journey through the '23-'24 school year!

Have you been taking part in our walk down memory lane on Facebook or Instagram? We are sharing photos from major events and celebrations such as the first day of school and Winnie the Pooh and photos from just average Elliott fun in classrooms and throughout the school. Don't miss the opportunity to reminisce with us on a great year through a series of photo memories that will take us well into our summer break! 

If you haven't checked out our NEW INSTAGRAM, created based on feedback from our parents, click the link below to visit us!

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so excited for the 24-25 school year!

Don't forget to let us know if you are coming!

Registration for the 24-25 School Year is Open!

If you have a new student, a returning student, or a current student who is withdrawing please use the button below to complete a registration form (for each child) to let us know who to expect! 

24-25 Student Registration is now open!

Field Day Fun

The rain couldn't stop us from having a blast on Field Day!

Leading up to our exciting event, students got ready by doing action art with Coach Hurd and creating fun splatter paint shirts. On May 14th, they proudly wore their colorful shirts and best running shoes, ready for a day of fun. When the weather forecast showed rain, we moved the festivities inside without missing a beat.

Students rotated through various stations, dancing, hula hooping, and running relay races with visiting Marines. They played relay tic-tac-toe, colored a giant paper mural, and folded and flew paper airplanes. To top off the day, students hopped up on stage to show off their favorite talents, with classmates cheering them on.

Despite the rain, our Field Day was filled with laughter, creativity, and memorable moments!

Thank You Volunteers!

Students carrying ribbons and banners parade in front of volunteers to show appreciation
colorful flowers made of tissue paper and pipe cleaners

We are profoundly grateful for the incredible contributions our PTO makes to our school every day. From organizing book fairs, carnivals, and dance parties, to sponsoring special events and treats for students and teachers alike, our PTO ensures that our school remains a vibrant and joyful place.

Once a year, we dedicate time to celebrate the outstanding efforts of our PTO and other volunteers at our "Volunteer Tea" event. This year's theme was "Thanks for being a bright part of Elliott." Volunteers were greeted with a heartwarming parade of students carrying colorful signs and banners, expressing their gratitude and even handing out handmade flowers. Following the parade, our cherished volunteers enjoyed a beautifully decorated area where they were served tea (or coffee) and special treats prepared by the staff as a token of our deep appreciation.

We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their unwavering support and dedication. Your efforts brighten our school community and touch the hearts of everyone at Elliott.

volunteers sit at tables decorated set with bright colors
a teacher pours tea for a volunteer

Tech Corner

Creative Communicator

Students gestures towards her power point presentation about sugar gliders

The sixth ISTE Standard for Students is "Creative Communicator." This standard guides students to communicate clearly and express themselves creatively using various digital tools. It involves understanding how to choose the right tools and formats for their message and audience and how to use these tools to enhance their communication.

The standard encourages students to express complex concepts in a manner that will be clear and concise for their intended audience. They practice breaking down information and presenting it in ways that are easy for others to understand. Additionally, students learn to communicate and collaborate with others, both within our school and around the world. This involves using digital platforms to share ideas, provide feedback, and work together on projects.

In today’s world, digital communication is an essential skill. By mastering the Creative Communicator standard, our students learn how to effectively share their ideas and collaborate with others. Elliott Elementary students use tools including Wixie, Google Slides, Flip, and Seesaw to create engaging slide shows, videos, essays, podcasts, GIFs, posters and more. Developing skills like these are not only vital for academic success but also for their future careers and personal growth.

Fostering these skills in our students empowers them to become confident and capable communicators and prepares our students for a successful future in the rapidly evolving digital world.


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    Grade Monday-Friday
    PK-2 8:15am - 3:00pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:45am
    PSCD PM 12:30pm - 3:00pm

    Early Dismissal 2nd Tuesday of the month

    PK-2 8:15am - 2:15pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:30am
    PSCD PM 12:00pm - 2:15pm
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