Elliott Express

February 1, 2025

Email for attendance, arrival, and dismissal changes

Please email attendance.elliott@dodea.edu with any communication regarding your child's attendance or changes in arrival or dismissal. This will help to ensure that the front office receives and can respond to your message in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation. 

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Adventures in Learning

First Grade is Making Strides in Math

In the latest chapter of their math journey, first-grade students are diving into Unit 7 of the Reveal Math curriculum, a key section that brings fresh and exciting challenges. Unit 7 focuses on understanding the fundamentals of addition and subtraction within 20, helping students strengthen their fluency in basic math skills.

Throughout the unit, children are learning to apply strategies like counting on, making ten, and using number bonds to solve equations. The lessons are designed to foster a deeper understanding of math, encouraging students to think critically and solve problems independently.

“Unit 7 builds a strong foundation for mathematical reasoning,” says one teacher, Mr. Humphreys. “The interactive, hands-on activities help students connect real-world situations with mathematical concepts, making learning both fun and meaningful.”

As students’ progress through the unit, they will tackle word problems, build their number sense, and practice mental math strategies—all while strengthening their ability to work with numbers confidently. The focus on engaging visuals and interactive tools within the curriculum helps support various learning styles, ensuring every student’s success.

The unit also provides students with a chance to work collaboratively, strengthening their communication skills as they share ideas and solve problems together.

Unit 7 promises to be a pivotal moment in the first-grade math journey, setting the stage for continued growth in math proficiency throughout the school year.


Coin Wars Wraps Up

A students places money in a jar for the coin wars competition

Elliott's annual Coin War even has wrapped up and the victorious grade level was  __ with  __points. Students are looking forward to their pizza party celebration and of course to their bragging rights. 


In all, the competition raised __ which will help to fund student activities throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to PTO for your hard work in arranging the competition!

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    PK-2 8:15am - 3:00pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:45am
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    PK-2 8:15am - 2:15pm
    PSCD AM 8:15am - 10:30am
    PSCD PM 12:00pm - 2:15pm
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